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FAQ and What to Expect

What is a Psychological Evaluation

A comprehensive Psychological Evaluation or Psychological Assessment is typically performed by a licensed Psychologist as many of the assessments require a Doctorate degree in psychology or certification for use. The Psychological Evaluation utilizes clinical observation, assessment tools (i.e., standardized, norm-referenced tests and questionnaires), and a combination of techniques and interventions to develop a treatment plan and provide individualized recommendations. The Psychologist may also arrive at a diagnosis, where applicable, following the evaluation. Dr. Kealoha is specialty trained to administer and interpret psychological tests, having done so for over 15-years at local hospitals, provider agencies, private practice settings, and as the lead state Psychologist of Developmental Disabilities Divisions (i.e., Regional Centers) to monitor state and federally funded services.

Based on your or your loved one's needs and the reason(s) you are seeking an evaluation, Dr. Kealoha may assess a variety of areas such as intellectual development, adaptive skills, attention, learning and memory, fine motor development, language development, academic achievement, social-emotional and behavioral functioning, and mood, anxiety, and related issues. Kealoha Psychology, Inc. does not provide therapeutic, counseling, or other individual or family-based behavioral health services but, the results of our evaluation may provide personalized recommendations to help guide you or your loved one toward success. The evaluation may also provide valuable insight into the potential underlying causes of areas of concern and may assist you or your loved one with receiving services, including school, work or community-based support(s). A DSM-5-TR diagnosis may also be given, where applicable, such as when Neurodevelopmental Disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorder or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are present. *Before completing a psychological assessment, it is recommended that the individual first complete a full medical examination to rule-out any medical or organic causes for the presenting concerns.   

For additional information, please refer to the American Psychological

Association’s Understanding psychological testing and assessment 

(Rev. August, 2022) at:

Psychological Evaluation Process and Fee Schedule

Fee Schedule

STEP 1: Complimentary Phone Consultation. Every evaluation will begin with a 15-minute phone consultation to determine if we may be able to assist you or your family. To schedule the consultation, please complete and send the "Get In Touch" online form below. At this time, you may expect the Intake Interview to be scheduled within approximately 1- to 2-weeks of the phone consultation.


STEP 2: Intake Interview All Psychological Evaluations begin with an Intake Interview. For evaluations of children and adolescents, this is typically a parent-only appointment. During this approximately 60-minute telemedicine appointment, Dr. Kealoha will obtain a detailed history about the examinee. The individual or their caregiver must complete our online Assessment Intake Questionnaire prior to this appointment. If deemed appropriate following the intake, an evaluation of the individual will be scheduled. We will also discuss the cost of the evaluation, and you may be provided with an individualized fee schedule (or "Good Faith Estimate") upon request. You will also be provided with links to complete online questionnaires that will be included in the final Psychological Evaluation Report. The results of these measures will assist us in better understanding you or your loved one's needs and allow us to assess the examinee's level of functioning in comparison to others of the same age. The fee for the Intake Interview is $300 and is billed following the completion of the service. The patient or their legal guardian will be responsible for the intake fee even if a test administration appointment is not scheduled or completed.

STEP 3: Testing Appointment The Psychological Evaluation appointment will include clinical observations, techniques and interventions to assess the examinee's strengths and needs, and “testing” of the individual. "Testing" includes the administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized psychological assessments. Each of these processes may include several different components and is largely influenced by the reason(s) for the referral, the needs of the examinee, and the Clinical Psychologist's observations of the examinee. For school-aged children, adolescents, and adults, testing is typically done in-office and generally takes approximately 3 to *6 total hours to complete, though additional hours may be needed based on the needs of examinee and the type of evaluation, as is discussed at the close of the Intake Interview. *For testing appointments longer than 3 hours, a second appointment is typically scheduled to complete the remaining tests. Developmental Evaluations for toddler and preschool-aged children may be completed via telehealth (i.e., online using videoconferencing), with parent(s) facilitating interactions with guidance from the examiner. This evaluation process was developed by Vanderbilt University and research has shown it to be effective with young children as they remain in a familiar setting (i.e., their home) interacting with known individual(s) and items. A follow up in-person appointment may be scheduled, if needed. The recommended evaluation setting is discussed during the Intake Interview and parent(s) may request an in-person evaluation in lieu of an initial virtual appointment, if preferred. FOR THE EVALUATION OF MINORS, a caregiver must remain at the clinic for the ENTIRE APPOINTMENT DURATION. For school-aged children, the caregiver will typically remain in the waiting area, though the parent may be brought into the evaluation room, as needed, to support the child and evaluation process. For preschool age children and younger, it is generally recommended that a parent accompany the child into the evaluation room; parent will be instructed by the examiner on how they may facilitate the evaluation process. Dr. Kealoha's out-of-pocket fee is $300 per hour of Psychological Evaluation service, including test administration and scoring. Following the test administration appointment and receipt of all information deemed necessary as part of the evaluation, a Feedback appointment is scheduled to review the overall findings of the evaluation. Families may currently expect the evaluation to be scheduled within approximately 4 to 6 weeks of the Intake Interview.

STEP 4: Feedback Session. A Feedback appointment is completed with the individual or, for youth, with parent(s)/legal guardians. During this appointment, the integrated findings of the overall evaluation are explained, personalized recommendations discussed, and any applicable diagnosis reviewed. The individual or their parent is provided with the final Psychological Evaluation Report following this appointment. This report may provide personalized recommendations, include applicable DSM-5-TR diagnoses, and may assist the individual with obtaining authorization for services or individualized accommodations. Dr. Kealoha's out-of-pocket fee is $300 per hour of Psychological Evaluation service, including report writing and feedback appointments. You may expect the Feedback session to be scheduled within approximately 1- to 2-weeks of the test administration appointment.

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